Course No.:314008040
Course Title:Database System and Security
Course Credit:3
Teaching hours:48
Prerequisites:Discrete mathematics, Data Structures and Algorithms, Operating system
Semester and Year:Sophomore
Thomas M. Connolly, et al.,Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management (6th Edition), China Machine Press, 2016.6, ISBN:978-7-111-53740-3
1. Thomas M. Connolly, et al.,Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management (5th Edition).,Publishing House of Electronics Industry.,ISBN: 978-7-121-14996-2
2. LiBo, et al., PowerDesigner 16: System Analysis and Modeling Practice,Tsinghua University Press, ISBN:978-7-302-36607-2
3. Abraham Silberschatz,Henry F.Korth,S.Sudarshan,Database System Concepts (Sixth Edition),China Machine Press,ISBN: 978-7-111-40086-8
The course provides an introduction to database systems and Security. It is a study of the concepts and functions of relational database, including database design, data definition and manipulation, and so on. The security measures, will be discussed in the course, such as authorization, encryption, access controls, backup and recovery, and so on.