Computer Organization and Architecture(计算机组成和体系结构)

DATE :Jan 20, 2020                     source :

Course code314056030

Course NameComputer Organization and Architecture

This course is to help the students get a clear idea of the organization and architecture of modern computer systems. The main contents of this course include the basic concepts, operating principles, and designing methods of the organization and architecture of computer systems, with a focus on the hardware components and operating principles of a system-on-a-chip architecture. The state-of-the-art techniques and future trends of the computer systems are also included.

The detailed contents comprise the basic concepts and architecture of CPUs, registers, ALU, control units, the organization and architecture of MARIE, the architecture of instruction set, the execution process of instructions, the extension of instruction set, the instruction formats, the instruction types, the hierarchy of memories, cache, virtual memory, paging, segmentation, additional storage, I / O structure, etc.


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